JP Nagar Ayurvedaa Pain Relief Centre

Rejuvenation Package

7 days
treatment package which includes multiple ayurveda procedures which leave you refreshed and revitalized.

Weight management package

7 days
ayurveda treatments package to help you achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable way.

Pain relief treatment

7 days
ayurveda treatments designed to help alleviate chronic pain and promote healing

Skin care treatment

7 days
achieve a healthy, glowing complexion. This package includes a variety of services that will leave your skin looking and feeling its best

Spine and neck care

7 days
we also offer spine and neck care services to help you manage pain and improve your mobility

Knee joint pain

7 days
If you're experiencing knee joint pain, our treatment package can help you alleviate your symptoms

Vasthi treatment

7 days
This Ayurvedic treatment involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal decoctions through the rectum, which helps to eliminate toxins and promote healing


7 days
The treatment plan includes 7days of nassyam using herbal remedies and lifestyle recommendations.

Stress management

7 days
manage emotional and psychological effects of chronic pain with techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and increase your overall well-being.

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