Njavara Kizhi
Njavara kizhi is a type of massage inducing sweat and relieveing stress.The main purpose of doing this massage is for the perspiration of a body part or the whole body, whichever is required by applying certain medicinal drugs with the Njavara kizhi rice pudding dipped in the form of boluses tied in a muslin cloth.
The treatment invloves cooked rice mixed with milk and herbal extract of Kurumthotti (Sida Rhombifolia) tied in cotton boluses called as kizhis. The kizhis dipped in medicated Ayurvedic oils will be applied all over the body or a specific part of the body to induce sudation (perspiration).

Benefits of Njavara Kizhi
Treats arthritis.
Improves digestion.
Cures various muscle and vertebral diseases.
Boosts immunity.
Helps mind and body relax.
Helps in curing neurological diseases.
Strengthens sense organs.
Relieves stress, anxiety and fatigue.